newspaper(content) RECENT EVENT Support:

Online scheduling is unavailable.

If you are new to CAPS and would like to speak with a counselor, please call 402-472-7450 and press 2 to schedule a same day appointment. The online scheduling portal is unavailable at this time.

Counseling and Psychological Services offers presentations and outreach programming on various health and well-being topics to students throughout the year. If you're interested in scheduling a presentation, fill out the form below.

Presentation requests should be submitted at least 10 business days in advance. CAPS will make every effort to fulfill presentation requests but provides no guarantee. Requests will be met on a first-come, first-served basis as our staff scheduling allows.

While faculty and staff are welcome to schedule a presentation for a student audience, we cannot provide programming for a faculty/staff audience during the academic year. To inquire about scheduling a program for faculty or staff during spring break, winter break or over the summer, call 402-472-7450.

Presentation is for: Required