CAPS adheres to the requirements of the NICPP for the successful completion of one’s doctoral internship. The intern must meet the following minimal requirements:
- A minimum of 2,000 hours is required during a year-long, 12-month period (at least 50 working weeks), documented in monthly logs submitted to the NICPP coordinator.
- A minimum of 500 hours must be direct client contact.
- Participate in a minimum of two (2) hours per week in individual supervision, plus an additional two (2) hours of training activities.
- The NICPP and your site must have all of your completed/approved paperwork and documentation to issue your Certificate of Internship Completion.
- Interns are required to attend and participate in all of the monthly NICPP seminars.
- One presentation at a Consortium seminar day. This is a case presentation focused on a theme and following all of the case presentations for the day, there will be a discussion in which presenters respond to questions.
- Two Psychology Intern Evaluations, one midyear, one year-end, completed by the primary supervisor, with comments and signatures of the supervisor and the intern, and the signature of the UNL director. Interns need to average four (4) or above in each area summary on their year-end evaluation to successfully complete the internship.
- Supervisors will evaluate three competency areas via live supervision and incorporate the feedback into your Evaluation. One of these competencies will be Teaching/Presenting using your case presentation during seminar days. The second will be Assessment, by directly observing you conduct an intake assessment. On this competency, the criteria is at or exceeding 70% of the items outlined on the Assessment tool. The third assessment area is Supervision.
- Three NICPP Competency Management forms. (1) initial, (2) midyear, and (3) year-end. These are to be reviewed and signed by the intern, site supervisor (which is the CAPS Training Director), and UNL co-director
- Interns are required to submit a monthly Activity Log by the fifth of the following month. These are to be emailed to the NICPP administrative assistant.
- Interns are expected to maintain their own Professional Liability Coverage. Insurance is available through the APA Insurance Trust for approximately $30/year.
- Interns are also expected to adhere to the requirements CAPS sets as a clinical site.